FinanceSolutions LLC’s Managing Director is Garrett Fisher. He is wildly creative leader drawn to the most complex of business challenges. When confronted with troublesome financial issues, he quickly and comprehensively gets to the root cause of customer, vendor, employee, shareholder and leadership motivation, determines unprofitable conflicts, and delivers solutions that others do not. With a keen desire to be on the forefront of new and innovative thinking, Mr. Fisher is highly experienced with turnarounds, high growth situations, leadership crises, disruptive technology and startups. He has been CFO and a consultant to many privately-held companies undergoing rapid change. His complementary expertise extends to information technology, tax and legal strategy. Garrett has a passion for motivational psychology, economics, and statistics and regularly writes covering complex business and finance subjects. He is an author of many books, commercial pilot, aerial photographer, skier, mountain climber and speaks fluent Spanish, basic Catalan, enough German to get himself in trouble, a can muddle through a conversation in French if he has to.
For more professional background, see his LinkedIn profile.